
A coach is nothing without the athletes who make it happen. I have so much love and admiration for the people listed below. Thank you for sharing your insights.

Personal Coaching

Kris F. (Jersey City, NY)

"Kristen and I have been working together to help me achieve my cycling goals since 2018 (5+ years). I can honestly say that without her deep knowledge of cycling training theory and practice, her relentless optimism and support and her willingness to help me get back on track when I (inevitably) get derailed by work, health, travel (and sometimes by frustration), I would never have achieved the cycling goals I have over the past five years. I am not a racer: far from it. What I am is a lifelong cyclist who had just hit menopause and all that entails when I started working with Kristen. My one goal was to be able to continue to enjoy a sport that has been my passion forever. I gave her one mission: keep me strong enough to continue to have fun on my bike. With her guidance I have completed one to two century events each year, cycled in (and up two) Italian Alps, and this year, I completed the Vermont Gran Fondo (80 miles, 5700 feet of elevation, two mountain passes) and a week long bike tour of the Douro Valley in Portugal, which was incredibly hilly (and also incredibly beautiful.) With her guidance, I not only completed these events, but I thoroughly enjoyed them — and I absolutely do not have a skinny, hill-climbing physique. Quite the opposite. But Kristen continually stressed that we can be strong, healthy accomplished athletes no matter what shape our bodies are. I thank my lucky stars every single day that I was referred to her and I would enthusiastically refer anyone of any age and cycling ability and experience to reach out to Kristen if you want to Iove cycling - again, or forever. She’ll patiently and lovingly guide you to do the right work, at the right time, with the right intensity to get you there and keep you there. I can’t wait to see what challenges she helps me meet this year!"

Sarah E. (Croton-on-Hudson, NY)

"Kristen’s coaching has been a revelation. She’s a zen killer: preternaturally calm, but unwavering in her determination to see you succeed in the face of whatever’s being thrown at you. Her plans are consistent, sustainable, and rounded—they stoke your love of the sport without burning you out. They’re not gentle; sometimes they’re brutal. But Kristen serves them up with such steady encouragement, such faith in your ability to withstand the training, that somehow you just do it. And then suddenly (so it seems), you're faster."

Jamie R. (Brooklyn, NY)

“In late 2020 I started working with Coach Kristen with the goal of improving my time on the Tour Divide. After I recovered a bit, Kristen helped me set new goals: completing some multi-day events on a mountain bike. She suggested places to mountain bike, balanced my road training, mountain biking, and strength training, and suggested skills to work on. It paid off. In 2022, I completed the Cross-Florida ITT and 24 Hours of Old Pueblo, and then the more technical Transylvania and Breck Epics. Kristen has consistently encouraged and helped me develop my riding. I am enjoying my time on bikes substantially more than when I began and my sense of what is possible has greatly expanded. If you think some experienced and knowledgeable guidance could help you reach your cycling goals, I recommend her highly.

Rebecca F. (Morristown, NJ)

"Coach Kristen was my 2020 quarantine survival coach! Even though we didn’t have a chance to meet or ride together in person yet, Kristen assessed my strengths and challenges and helped me continue to learn and grow as a cyclist. This included staying motivated even as all my goal events were canceled. I needed new routines and equipment, and we identified (and achieved) new goals. If you want to find out what you are made of and have someone working with you to figure it out, Kristen will be your sounding board, advisor, and share in the joy of your success - however you define it."

Gabby W. (New York, NY)

"The best thing for me about working with Kristen was checking in with her on an almost daily basis and getting thoughtful replies to comments and questions. It made me feel like I had continual support in my cycling endeavors, no matter how small (contemplating different cycling shoes) or how large (targeting specific races). Another valuable thing about coaching with Kristen is that she taught me about training with metrics. Although I’d been riding a lot for a few years, I wanted to understand what training with power was about, since it was completely foreign and seemed daunting. Kristen’s workouts and the way they involved working with power gave me a solid background in periodized training with a power meter. And finally, Kristen is just a cool and caring human being—that she happens to know a great deal about cycling and coaching is almost a bonus: She’s a person you feel lucky to have in your life."

Elizabeth L. (New York, NY)

"Finding Kristen as a personal coach was one of the smartest moves I've made. When I first met with her, I was impressed by her knowledge and confidence while discussing what we wanted to accomplish together. She believed we could reach my goals and laid out a straightforward plan to do it. I found this to be immensely valuable because it allowed me to focus on the rest of my life, knowing I just had to follow the training plan. Best of all, she acts as a calm reassuring voice at critical times when I encounter challenges or anything unexpected. She makes it seem easy and her plan works. It still seems like magic to me."

Jo'el E., (Jersey City, NJ)

"My first Gran Fondo ride was 100% positive and I was very proud and happy to have this accomplished. Thank you to Coach Kristen for all of your help these past months. I honestly must say I could not have made it if I had not had your advice and guidance. All those painful training rides paid off!"

Michelle G. (New York, NY)

"Kristen Phillips is a truly exceptional cycling coach. I reached out to her when I decided to ride my bike across Switzerland, and it was clear from the start that Kristen knew how to prepare me for the ride of my life. I needed a coach not just to give me a training plan and walk away, but to be responsive to my questions, hold me accountable, and check in on me. It was clear she read every word of my emails and addressed every question I had. We also connected via social media which helped us stay in touch even more. I'm incredibly happy with Kristen's coaching abilities. She's a wonderful, knowledgeable and experienced cyclist. I recommend her without reservation."

Skills Coaching

"I am a relatively novice mountain biker who has taken a wide variety of skills clinics with various coaches, and Kristen is one of the best out there. Kristen exudes patience and the kind of quiet confidence that immediately puts me at ease. Her teaching and communication style is thoughtful, and her progressive technique instills confidence in me to push beyond my comfort zone, knowing that I have the fundamental skills to overcome the obstacle or accomplish the task at hand. In one hour with Kristen at a recent clinic, I was able to ride trail features that I never would have expected to do on my own!"

- Lucia D. (New York, NY)

"I've been a lifelong athlete, training under lots of coaches in many sports over my lifetime. This past summer I had the opportunity to take a MTB clinic with Kristen.  I'd been riding MTB for almost 2 years, but was still looking to up my game. She took us to a few spots along the trail where we could focus on varied skills. She broke things down into simple steps: choosing a line, how to approach an obstacle, where to focus, etc.  I still need to work on my skinnies, but she had me up and over obstacles I never thought to try or thought I could handle. She gave me the courage and confidence to not only try, but succeed.  Those same obstacles today are a no-brainer.  Kristen is a patient, knowledgeable and supportive coach who has helped me take my riding to a new level."

- Regina C. (Brooklyn, NY)

“Coach Kristen is the consummate teacher. She is highly skilled and knowledgeable in all areas of cycling, from skills to trails to gear. She is patient, encouraging, and able to hone in on just the right guidance to get you to the next level. She turned my curiosity about mountain biking into a joyful pursuit that has brought me on adventures all over the country. I’m forever grateful!”

— Kymberly K. (New York, NY)

"Today's class was INCREDIBLE. Will definitely practice everything I learned and hope you teach another class again. Would love to take Basic Bike Handling and Advanced Bike Handling."

- Lolita C. (New York, NY)

"Thanks so much for the lesson today, it was so informative and also such a wonderfully welcoming environment for asking questions and troubleshooting our learning processes."

- Amelia S. (Brooklyn, NY)

I just wanted to share how much I have enjoyed Kristen's Friday yoga class. I started to attend her class in July 2011 and have continued to be consistent with my attendance because of Kristen's style of teaching and inspiration. I have tried other yoga classes in the past at other facilities but have not been motivated to continue. Kristen is an excellent instructor and I feel I have learned so much from her. She continues to be a real inspiration in my life and I feel blessed to have been able to attend these classes at the YWCA.

— Lisa S. (Honolulu, HI)

Praise for Art of Cycling

"Art of Cycling's excellent Indoor Cycling Camp is the best thing you can do to up your hill game! Coach Kristen developed a comprehensive 4-week plan that teaches a range of techniques so you can climb with strength and confidence. They are also two of the nicest people on the planet—working with them is such a fun experience and that makes all the difference when you are working hard at something.”

— Bev P. (New York, NY)

"Yoga for Cyclists was a perfect way to prepare for cycling season. I loved taking a class full of other cyclists who had similar muscle structures as me, and from teachers who focused on poses to complement riding a bicycle. Please teach more classes in the future!"

- Blythe A. (Brooklyn, NY)

"All of the riders were raving about the fun they were having! They said how much they loved the coaching and that they couldn’t wait to ride again. A successful day for sure."

— Olivia Bletiz (Specialized Bicycle Components)

"For me it's been years of cycling and no yoga classes, and I realize how important it is to get back into instruction, especially cycling specific poses. I felt supported with my injuries/limitations and found the instruction inspiring, attentive, and encouraging."

— Nicole S. (New York, NY)

"I purchased a road bike two years ago, with a strong desire to learn how to ride but limited knowledge of road cycling. Kristen’s coaching has improved my power, bike handling, and climbing abilities. This wouldn't have been possible without her guidance, support, and belief in me as a cyclist. Beyond being a fantastic coach, she is a genuinely great person and an amazing asset to cycling in the NYC area."

— Shannon R. (Queens, NY)

"I want to thank you for all the amazing coaching and inspiration you've given me over the course of the indoor training series this winter. I have learned so much and appreciate all the amazing advice you've given. It has really helped me develop as a cyclist."

— Carol K. (Brooklyn, NY)

“Kristen is experienced and creates a fun environment for learning. I highly recommend their group coaching classes for cyclists at all levels."

— Deborah G. (New York, NY)

"Thank you for the awesome class! I loved the way you made a newbie like me feel okay with not being able to do advanced moves. I left there feeling taller, more flexible, and with an inner peace. My breathing even right now is still smooth and deep. Thanks again."

— Vero P. (New York, NY)